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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Action: Sharing a story

Submitted by: Representative Rick Hardcastle

House District 68

"Perske Pencil Portraits 1971-1990"

“I know of a small-town community in Texas that has for years supported a gentleman who is mentally challenged. As a child, he was raised by his grandparents until their deaths. In his childhood, the whole community “adopted” and supported him. One hay hauler hired him to help with his business. Later on, another resident took him under his wing and hired him on as an assistant to his small business. He and his wife became the man’s guardian. They and the community helped him develop basic skills and social skills over his lifetime, and as a result, he has become a productive citizen whom everyone knows and supports.”

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Action: Dedication of social media status updates

Submitted by: Representative Borris Miles

House District 146

"Perske Pencil Portraits 1971-1990"

"I found your idea for the report/blog very refreshing as children with disabilities should be a concern to all Texans as it is also a concern for me...

Furthermore, I will dedicate my social media status updates this morning [Tuesday, December 21, 2010] to further echo awareness [about children with disabilities] amongst my social network."

Friday, December 17, 2010

Action: Dedication to help MHMR centers; Legislation for more respectful language

"Perske Pencil Portraits 1971-1990"

Submitted by: Representative Vicki Truitt

House District 98

“The 82nd Texas Legislature will face budgetary challenges that can and probably will negatively affect services provided to children with disabilities. Every day, I and my staff look for ways to minimize those negative impacts by ensuring that state agencies and state laws don't interfere with our local communities and school districts efforts to provide needed services to people with disabilities. Many people don't realize that in Texas state funding for people with disabilities is augmented by county, municipal and philanthropic funding that is taken in and distributed by 39 community mental health/mental retardation (MHMR) centers. When state funding decreases or doesn't keep up with the growth in the demand for these services, it is our local MHMR centers, working within their communities, who must lead the fight to fill the gaps in services. I am personally dedicated to helping our MHMR centers do their jobs.

I also think we have an opportunity to use more respectful language in the way we refer to people with disabilities in our agencies and statutes and I intend to work with my peers to enact legislation this session that will make that happen.”

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Action: Support legislation to maintain current funding for state health services

Submitted by: Representative Roland Gutierrez

House District 119

"Perske Pencil Portraits 1971-1990"

“Thank you for your email and your recent visit to my Capitol office. I share your concerns on state health services and I will support legislation that maintains current funding for such programs. I wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year.”

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Action: Commitment to work to protect funding for children with disabilities

Submitted by: Representative Mike Villarreal

House District 123

"Perske Pencil Portraits 1971-1990"

“I have committed to fighting to protect funding for services for children with disabilities during the debate over the state budget shortfall next year [2011].”

"Perske Pencil Portraits 1971-1990"