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Monday, January 3, 2011

Action: Proposing legislation to increase accessibility of playgrounds in parks

Submitted by: Representative Eddie Lucio III

House District 38

"Perske Pencil Portraits 1971-1990"
“During the 81st Legislative Session I authored House Bill 67 which created the Medicaid Buy-In Program for Children with Special Needs. In November of this year, I filed House Bill 283, which would require all new or renovated parks to have increased wheelchair accessibility
for playgrounds.”


Ann said...

Rep Lucio,

Kudos to you for filing the bill on increasing wheelchair accessibility in park playgrounds. Every step we make to break down barriers for individuals with disabilities is a step in the right direction!

Sharon said...

Senator Lucio,
I am a former member of the Texas State Council on Autism,and I know you are a supportive legislator about issues of people and children with disabilities. As a member of the Senate Finance Committee, you have the specific knowledge to speak eloquently toward continuing adequate funding for the systems and supports these families need. I trust you will champion these issues during the most certain difficult budget discussions this session. Thank you for being an advocate!

Juli said...

Please continue to support disabled families!

Pat Pound said...

Thank you for your support of quality services for the 12% of Texas children who have special health care needs. Without these evidence-based services, children will be considerably less able to progress in school and in life.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for supporting and advocating on behalf of all Texans who have a disability. You are respected by all, no matter where they choose to receive services, State Supported Living Centers and community supports.

CnsmrRep said...

Thank you for your ideas. I have been an advocate for children and all people with disabilities for over 25 years, especially but not exclusively in the schools in Texas.

In the Houston Independent School District we were looking into making all playgrounds and playground equipment fully accessible way back then. Rod Paige was HISD's Superintendent at that time, and we had a willing ear to listen to our discussions and requests. And now we have Rep. Lucio.

Bravo! Everyone's voice is needed in this. It is not a partisan task, but rather one of accessing top statewide priorities.

If ever there was a wrong moment to run out of time, however, it is now. Today's rally should be a show of commitment to the belief that what shouldn't be cut are services to the needy and to (our) children.

Anonymous said...

Representative Lucio, thank you so much for supporting the rights of disabled and elderly, and working to fix bad laws that rob them of quality of life; bad laws that plunder their estates and resources of family and friends in order to line the pockets of players; bad laws that drive a wedge between elderly/disabled and their family/friends for the benefit of paid guardianship companies.
Frank & Chila on behalf of GRADE