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Friday, January 14, 2011

Action: Working on legislation to assist students with dyscalculia

Submitted by: Representative Allen Fletcher

House District 130

"Perske Pencil Portraits 1971-1990"

"I am working on a bill that assists students in school that are affected by dyscalculia. Dyscalculia is a math disorder that involves difficulty learning or comprehending mathematics. I believe it is important to pass this legislation because dyscalculia is not currently recognized in law throughout the state of Texas, and students with this disorder are negatively affected since this disorder is not addressed correctly."


Ann P. Fontenot said...

As a constituent of Rep. Fletcher, I support his efforts to have Dyscalculia recognized in law in Texas.

Furthermore, I urge all lawmakers to maintain current levels of support for DARS, and consider more than simply a "cuts-only" budget. I teach adults with Down syndrome weekly, and the HCS support helps them continue their education and remain in the community-far more cost efficient than a state school.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for supporting and advocating on behalf of all Texans who have a disability. You are respected by all, no matter where they choose to receive services, State Supported Living Centers and community supports.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the work you are doing! My 13-year-old daughter has Dyscalculia. She has always struggled with math in school and it has been so frustrating to get any help. There was obviously a problem with her ability to process and retain simple mathematical calculations. I was familiar with Dyslexia, and it seemed like the right answer except she reads constantly, has authored 2 separate books, creates poetry and scripts, and excels in speech/drama/debate (placing several times at school competitions).

The current testing for Dyslexia only recognizes reading, writing and speech issues leaving other SLDs inadequately addressed. Again, THANK YOU!!!

-Hopeful Texas Mom