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Friday, January 7, 2011

Idea: Holistic approach for state policies based upon compassion, personal responsibility, commitment, coordination

Submitted by: Representative Lois Kolkhorst

House District 13


"Perske Pencil Portraits 1971-1990"

"Children with special needs need more than just the services government can provide. These amazing individuals require a sense of shared responsibility and a major commitment of service from family members, friends, churches, businesses and their communities to meet their needs. My prayer for 2011 is that Texas becomes a society of individuals who show compassion and who personally care for the needs of these individuals. State policies should reflect a holistic approach that is based upon compassion, personal responsibility, a sincere commitment of service and better coordination of resources for our children with special needs."


Anonymous said...

Thank you Representative Kolkhorst, for supporting and advocating on behalf of all Texans who have a disability. You are respected by all, no matter where they choose to receive services, State Supported Living Centers and community supports.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your support of Texans with disabilities. I agree that the need for community involvement is hugely important. I also believe that is is vitally important for these individuals to remain in the community setting, and not have to end up in more costly state run institutions. My nephew is a young man who is living in a community based center, where he can participate in vocational training and education in a safe environment. This is where we would like for him to be able to remain, but currently there are proposals before you that may make this an impossibility.
Please consider the needs of these young adults when faced with the new proposals that would decrease available funding to those like my sweet nephew, Joshua.
Thank you so much for you consideration in this matter!
L Conner