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Friday, January 14, 2011

Idea: Reflection on the inspiration of families of children with disabilities

Submitted by: Speaker Joe Straus

House District 121

“I appreciate the opportunity at this busy time to reflect on the inspiration that families across the state provide as they help their children with disabilities learn, develop, and grow. This nightlight serves as a reminder of these strong, dedicated, and loving Texas families.”


InTheKnow said...

Dear Speaker Straus,
It means a lot to us that you are inspired by our dedication to our children.
Our children have come so far with past programs, please help our Legislature to see the importance of continuing these programs and supports.
Linda Litzinger, parent

Anonymous said...

Our children are only limited by the limits created by the adults in their lives. They want to learn, they want to grow and to them, anything is possible. To see real courage, you only have to look into the eyes of a child faced with a serious illness or lifelong disability. They are the real heroes.
Kathy L. Parent

Anonymous said...

Dear Speaker Straus:
Please consider the wide ranging impact that funding cuts will have to children with disabilities from the DARS-ECI program to Medicaid funding for Physical, occupational, speech therapy and waiver programs for children with special health care needs. These children are in a precarious situation to start with, lets not make things even more difficult for them and their families by cutting essential programs and services.

Miriam Nisenbaum, ACSW, LMSW

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your time Mr. Straus - please continue to remember our children & help them become happy, independant individuals.

Eduardo Lara said...

Mr. Speaker: Over the last 16 years; I have seen families struggle to find adequate services, medical and dental care for their children. Families have to make tough choices everyday.These choices have life long implications. I urge you to become the voice for the least amongst us.Cutting services for children with special needs will be a short termed vision as these children will require more expensive treatment and care in the long run if they go without needed services now. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Speaker Straus, All the families across the state that do help their children with disabilities learn, develop, and grow,need you and your colleges help in NOT cutting funds to the programs that help us. Our children, new born to adults, need your help to become and stay independent individuals.
Susie Cummins, Parent

Linda said...

Speaker Straus,

My granddaughter is now 16, she has cerebral palsy (spastic quadriplegia). She has a beautiful smile and even though she cannot speak she manages to communicate with anyone that takes the time to get to know her. She needs total care.
We depend on her Medicaid from MDCP to help with her supplies, formula, feeding pump bags, mickey buttons, diapers, etc. Not to mention wheelchairs, lift, doctor visits and medications. Her mom is a single parent, struggling to make ends meet.
Without the help that we currently have it would be very difficult to keep my granddaughter at home. There are no facilities anywhere that we trust to take care of her.

Also please remember that our children are growing up into young adults and will continue to need all of our support. It is much cheaper to keep our kids at home with support, than to put them in an institution, if you could even find one that was suitable.

CTD/Coalition of Texans with Disabilities said...

Mr. Speaker,

Families of people with disabilities are indeed inspiring, particularly in their devotion to the family members. Many leverage state services with considerable amounts of time and sacrifice. Please support no cuts to community services and permit these families to continue their care.

Shane Walker said...

Mr. Speaker,

My son has a lifelong disability. Our family has been waiting for CLASS assistance for over 7 years, now it looks like we (along with 100,000 others in Texas) will wait even longer due to proposed budget cuts. It is crucial to support community-based living for Texans rather than continuing to fund State Supported Living centers - the cost savings by moving to community-based supports is 4 to 1. Funds saved can be moved to assist the 100,000 folks on waiting lists. If asked, I think you will find that most of the people currently in State schools would prefer to be members of their community.
Shane Walker, parent

Anonymous said...

Thank you for supporting and advocating on behalf of all Texans who have a disability. You are respected by all, no matter where they choose to receive services, State Supported Living Centers and community supports.

Cynthia Hamilton said...

I am very concerned about the impact that further budget cuts to health and human services will have on communities throughout Texas. Any reduction in funding for services to people with developmental disabilities has the same impact as raising taxes on this population. During this budget crisis, please do not ask those who have so little to give so much. Their very lives depend on the physical and financial support of others. People with disabilities have value and they add value to our lives, as well.

I can’t help but notice that the proposed budget cuts have the most negative effect on people who are the least able to speak up for their rights – children and people with disabilities. There is a growing number of citizens, like me, who believe that an increase in taxes on all but the poorest in our society should be part of the solution to our state and national budget deficits. It is time we spoke up, no matter how crazy we sound when we say we want higher taxes.

My prayers are with you and your colleagues as you struggle through difficult decisions. Please make your goal to create a more efficient and effective government – not just a smaller one.
Cynthia Hamilton

Cathy Weaver said...

Mr Speaker:
Thank you for your recognition that Texans with disabilities rank high with you, but low in state priorities. We are counting on your leadership this session to find ways to help Texas families survive, while saving Texas tax dollars. Through NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)Texas,
I advocate for families who face the stigma of mental illness. Mental illness is physical, like all other diagnoses. We need your help this year.
We say shift dollars from punitive measures to preventive measures, and provide every possible resource, including Rainy Day funds, Cathy Weaver, NAMI Austin

Unknown said...

Dear Mr. Speaker:

I thank you for supporting individuals with special needs. I want to tell you a little about our situation.

When my son Nathan was born (in El Paso in 1988) we could not find appropriate services for him. While ECI - Early Childhood Intervention - was great, the school system had much to be desired. We left in 1995 for San Diego; there he received high quality services & we were very satified. Now, in 2011, we are back in EP and at the bottome of most Medicaid waiver lists. I'm told it will be up to 10 years before I can count on services. MHMR has been of some assistance but its not enough.

There are many others like us. Is there anything you can do to help us??

Thank you so much for your continued support for individuals with special needs.

Cecilia Navarro Tanner

Susan Skyler said...

Dear Speaker Straus,

Thank you for taking time to comment on the nightlight in support of families. Please take time to remember as well that these children are growing into adults many of whom will always need the continued support of their families and communities. This is frightening to many of us parents, we count on your support to continue in our efforts to provide safe and meaningful lives for our children.

Susan Skyler, Parent

Tamara Ishee said...

It means so much to have your support. Thank you so much for caring about our children. They are all angels from God. My 7 year old daughter with Down sydrome is a blessing to our family. She has taught us how to find the pure joy in life! Please urge your fellow legislators to oppose cuts to critical services for our families.